
1740 | 1742 | 1743 | 1748 | 1754 | 1755 | 1759 | 1760 | 1761 | 1763 | 1764 | 1765 | 1766 | 1767 | 1768 | 1769 | 1770 | 1771 | 1772 | 1773 | 1774 | 1775 | 1776 | 1777 | 1778 | 1779 | 1780 | 1781 | 1782 | 1783 | 1784 | 1785 | 1786 | 1787 | 1788 | 1789 | 1790 | 1791 | 1792 | 1793 | 1794 | 1795 | 1796 | 1797 | 1798 | 1800 | 1801 | 1803 | 1805 | 1806 | 1807 | 1809 | 1814 | 1836 | All

Components found: 1001

(1740-03-20) (1748): The Lavoisier family moves in a house situated in the cul-de-sac Pecquet (today passage Pecquay): "une maison à porte cochère, sise à Paris, cul-de-sac Pecquay, près la rue des Blancs-Manteaux, consistant en cour, puits mitoyen, remis
(1742-06-14): Marriage of Jean Antoine Lavoisier and Emilie Punctis
(1743-08-26): Birth of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier at Paris, cul-de-sac Pecquet, quartier des Blancs-Manteaux. Baptized at Saint-Merry
(1748): Lavoisier's mother dies. He moves with his father and sister to grandmother's Madame Punctis
(1748) (1771): Jean Antoine Lavoisier and his children moves in a house in Rue du Four-Saint-Eustache where Lavoisier will perform his first barometric observations and experiments on artificial lightning. Most of the houses of rue du Four-Saint-Eustache
(1754) (1760-00): During his stay at the Collège Mazarin Lavoisier emerges as a brilliant student
(1754-10): Lavoisier enters the Collège Mazarin (Collège des Quatre Nations).
(1755): In 1755 Lavoisier received a prize at the Collège Mazarin
(1759): In 1759 Lavoisier is Awarded the second prize for translation from Greek into French by the Collège Mazarin
(1760) (1761-00): Lavoisier attends a course in mathematics and physics under La Caille
(1760): Begins to write a theatre pièce based on Rousseau's Nouvelle Héloise
(1760-08-25): Lavoisier is awarded a prize in rhetorics at the Collège Mazarin
(1761): Lavoisier attends a course in experimental physics under Nollet and studies mathematics and astronomy in La Caille's observatory
(1761): Lavoisier enter the university of La Sorbonne to study law
(1761) (1763-00): He begins to attend a course in chemistry under Rouelle.
(1761): Lavoisier attends the chemical course of La Planche
(1761): Lavoisier works to prepare a memoir for two prizes to be awarded by the Académie d'Amiens and de Besançon on the following themes: "La droiture du coeur est aussi nécessaire dans la recherche de la verité que la justesse de l'esprit." and "Si le d
(1761-03): First meteorological and barometric observations
(1763): Lavoisier begins collaboration with Guettard
(1763): Earliest dated mineralogical samples in Lavoisier's collection
(1763): After a short disease Lavoisier begins and continues for serveral months a diet exclusively based on milk.
(1763-04): Lavoisier write his first chemical notes: Histoire naturelle. Gypse
(1763-05) (1763-08): Earliest geological expeditions at Villers-Cotterets, near Paris with Jussieu and at St. Germain-en-Laye
(1763-09) (1763-11): Geological expedition with Guettard at Villers-Cotterets
(1763-09) (1763-11): Lavoisier earliest geological notes

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