(1799) |
A new nomenclature of chemistry, proposed by Messrs. De Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, and Fourcroy: with new additions and improvements, by Lyman Spalding, M.B Lecturer on chemistry in Darmouth University.
A new nomenclature of che, Hanover, Moses Davis
Elements of Chemistry, in a new systematic order, containing all the modern discoveries. Illustrated with thirteen copperplates. By Fourth edition, with notes, tables, and considerable additions
Elements of Chemistry, in, Edinburgh, William Creech
Methode der chemischen Nomenklatur fuer das antiphlogistische System, von Hrn. De Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet und de Fourcroy. Nebst einem neue Systeme der dieser Nomenklatur angemessenen chemische Zeichen, von Herrn Hassenfratz und Adet. Aus dem ...
Methode der chemischen No, Wien, Anton Doll
Underraettelse om foerdelacktigaste saettet att anlaegga Salltpeter-Lador, och att i stort tillvercka salltpeter: med fyra, i koppar stuckne, tillhoerige taflor: utgifven af Peter Jacob Hjelm, Mynt-Guardien
Underraettelse om foerdel, Stockholm, Carl Deleen och J.G. Forsgren
(1799-12-12) |
Elements of Chemistry, in a new systematic order, containing all the modern discoveries. Illustrated with thirteen copperplates. By Mr Lavoisier. Translated from the French by Robert Kerr. Fourth edition, with notes, tables, and considerable addition ...
Elements of Chemistry, in, Philadelphia, Mathew Carey