d’histoire naturelle Henri-Lecoq of Clermont Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme,
France) preserves Lavoisier’s collection of minerals. It was donated to
the city in 1837 by Léon de Chazelles and his wife Jean de Sugny, niece
and heir of Madame Lavoisier. The catalogue of the collection is under the
direction of Stephane
Muséum also preserves three manuscripts describing the collection: one by
Lavoisier (not complete), and two made during 1856-57 and 1881 after the
collection consists of specimens partly preserved in glass blown
recipients. The recipients are 993 have been inventoried without any other
specific information than their size. They do not only contain minerals
and fossils (which are 909) but also vegetable specimens (73), animal
specimens (5) and archaeological items (5).
specimes not preserved in recipients have been catalogued following the
shelfmark from T-La 1000 à T-La 2926.
Some 150 specimens have not yet been classified. |