Component detail

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Object name: Lychnos Suggestions & Corrections  
Type: journal
Component's data
Thematic group: Bibliography on Lavoisier 
Type: bibliographic reference
Text: A lost letter from Scheele to Lavoisier
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    chronology A Chronology of Lavoisier's Career. Prepared by Maurice Daumas, Henry Guerlac and Carl Perrin. Edited by Marco Beretta
 event  (1774-09-30): Letter of Scheele to Lavoisier, describing action of heat on silver carbonate and the ...
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 letter/s  Messieurs Penetré de Respect pour votre illustre corps d'estime Et d'admiration pour vos ouvrages,…...

4 record

Page 1

Person City Cronology   Position
name: Uno Boklund
resp.: author
qualif.: none
name: -
date/range: 1957 (exact)
date of: publication
vol.: 3
from/to or cons.: 39-62