Component detail

From object
Shelfmark: 8° M.1640.K. Bibliothèque de l'Institut  (Paris France) Suggestions & Corrections  
Type: book
Component's data
Thematic group: Library of Lavoisier 
Type: treatise
Text: Tractatus de tribus principiis metallorum, videlicet, sulphure, mercurio et sale philosophorum, quemadmodum illa in medicina alchymia aliisque artibus associatis utiliter adhiberi valeant
Related components    (1)
 bibliographic reference  Bibliotheca Lavoisieriana. The Catalogue of the Library of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier...

1 record

Page 1

Person City Cronology   Position
name: Johann Rudolf Glauber
resp.: author
name: Amsterdam
date/range: 1667
date of: publication
editore [gb]: Joannem Janssonium
epoch: 17 (2°)
page/s: - 0
vol.: 5
name: Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
resp.: owner
name: -

