Component detail

From object
Shelfmark: N 2 - D 185425 Bibliothèque Nationale de France - Département des Estampes et de la Photographie  (Paris France) Suggestions & Corrections  
Type: engraving
Dimension: 37 x 26,8
Component's data
Thematic group: Iconography of Lavoisier 
Type: portrait
Text: Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
Comment: Bust after David’s portrait. Of this engraving another version in proof state and without text exist (call number BNF: N2 185445)
Person City Cronology   Position
name: Pierre Michel. Alix
resp.: author
name: Paris
date of: publication
editore [gb]: Marie François Drouhin
epoch: 18 (2°)
name: Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
resp.: portrayed
name: Paris
date of: publication
editore [gb]: Marie François Drouhin
epoch: 18 (2°)