Component detail

From object
Shelfmark: hatchuel 06No institution Suggestions & Corrections  
Type: manuscript
Dimension: 373 x 233 mm
Component's data
Thematic group: Manuscripts 
Type: letter/s
Abstract: On the reform of the chemical nomenclature
Related components    (1)
 described in
    book Collection Pierre Dejours
 bibliographic reference  Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. Collection Pierre Dejours. 60 autographes, lettres & documents...

1 record

Page 1

Person City Cronology   Position
name: Auguste Denis Fougeroux de Bondaroy
resp.: adressee
name: -
name: Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
resp.: author
name: Paris
date/range: 14 April 1787
date of: collected
epoch: 18 (2°)
page/s: - 0
from/to or cons.: 1 leaf
Discipline Topic Argument

Chemistry Nomenclature Reform


