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Shelfmark: History of Science 4710 Cornell University Library - Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections  Suggestions & Corrections  
Type: manuscript
Component's data
Thematic group: Bibliography on Lavoisier 
Type: Collection of manuscripts
Text: Guerlac-Perrin Lavoisier Archive, 1939-1987
Comment: Notes on manuscript sources for the study of French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, compiled by American historians of science Henry Guerlac, Carl Perrin, and Rhoda Rappaport. Includes notes on contemporaries of Lavoisier and transcriptions of passages from manuscripts. Scientists investigated include Lavoisier, Jean-Antoine-Claude Chaptal, Antoine-François de Fourcroy, Pierre Joseph Macquer and his Dictionnaire de chimie, and Philippe-Frédéric baron de Dietrich, Jean Senebier, Torbern Bergman, Joseph Black, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, Johann Theodor Eller, Louis Bernard Guyton de Morveau and his Elemens de chimie théorique et pratique. Also included are notes on minutes of meetings of the Académie des sciences (France) in the late 18th century. Libraries consulted include the Académie des Sciences (France), Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne, Archives Nationales (France), Museum d'histoire naturelle, Bibliotheek of the Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, British Library, and others.
Person City Cronology   Position
name: Henry Edward Guerlac
resp.: author
name: -
date/range: 1939- 1987 (exact)
date of: compilation
page/s: - 0
from/to or cons.: 74 notebooks
name: Carleton E. Perrin
resp.: author
name: -





