Component detail

From object
Shelfmark: C-03-05 Archives de l'Académie des Sciences  (Paris France) Suggestions & Corrections  
Type: manuscript
Dimension: Various dimensions
Component's data
Thematic group: Manuscripts 
Type: note
Abstract: On pharmaceutical topics
Comment: Notes in various hands mostly devoted to pharmaceutical topics and to the preparation of the 1759 edition of Lemery's Cours de chymie
Person City Cronology   Position
name: Theodore Baron
resp.: author
qualif.: none
name: -
date/range: 1749 (exact)
date of: compilation
name: Theodore Baron
resp.: author
qualif.: none
name: -
date/range: 1749 (exact)- 1751 (exact)
date of: compilation
name: Nicolas Lemery
resp.: name quoted
qualif.: none
name: -
date/range: 1749 (exact)
date of: compilation
name: Nicolas Lemery
resp.: name quoted
qualif.: none
name: -
date/range: 1749 (exact)- 1751 (exact)
date of: compilation
Discipline Topic Argument

Pharmacy Recipe -

Chemistry Treatise Edition


