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From object
Shelfmark: Z997.L415 B49
Type: book
Component's data
Type: bibliographic reference
Text: Bibliotheca Lavoisieriana. The Catalogue of the Library of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
From object
Shelfmark: 8° M.1142.B.
Type: book
Component's data
Type: letter/s
Text: Epistolae Fratris Rogerii Baconis, de secretis operibus artis et naturae et de nullitate magiae, opera Johannis Dee,…e pluribus exemplaribus castigata olim, et ad sensum integrum restituita
Attributes   Attributes
Person City Cronology   Position
name: Marco Beretta
resp.: author
qualif.: none
name: Firenze
date/range: 1995
type of date: exact
date of: publication
epoch: 20 (2°)

Person City Cronology   Position
name: Roger Bacon
resp.: author
name: Hamburg
date/range: 1618
date of: publication
epoch: 17 (1°)
Person City Cronology   Position
name: Marco Beretta
resp.: author
qualif.: none
name: Firenze
date/range: 1995
type of date: exact
date of: publication
epoch: 20 (2°)

Person City Cronology   Position
name: Roger Bacon
resp.: author
name: Hamburg
date/range: 1618
date of: publication
epoch: 17 (1°)