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From object
Shelfmark: Glass case
Type: engraving
Dimension: 37 x 30
Component's data
Type: portrait
Text: Lavoisier. Peint par Garnerey d'après David. Gravée par P.M. Alix
Comment: Bust after David’s portrait. Acquisition from Alain Brieux 1.2.1963. This portrait is cited by Grimaux on p. 365. Of this engraving another version in proof state and without text exist (call number BNF: N2 185445).
From object
Shelfmark: QD22.L4 B29 2002
Type: book
Component's data
Type: bibliographic reference
Text: Imaging a Career in Science. The Iconography of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
Person City Cronology   Position
name: Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
resp.: portrayed
name: Paris
date of: manufacture
epoch: 18 (2°)

Person City Cronology   Position
name: Marco Beretta
resp.: author
name: Canton (Mass.)
date/range: 2001
date of: publication
epoch: 21 (1°)
page/s: xvii + 126 pp. Ill.
Digital version1  Image/s
alix archives 1


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