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From object
Shelfmark: Catalogue Collection Lavoisier
Type: manuscript
Component's data
Type: inventory
Text: Inventaire des objets de minéralogie du Musée de la ville de Clermont Ferrand (old compn. 11017)
Comment: While the bulk of the catalogue was written by Henri Lecoq the verification of the collection was made by A. Julien ca. 25 years later
From object
Shelfmark: T-La 0015
Type: mineral
Dimension: 10 x 8,5
Component's data
Type: mineral in glass recipient
Text: Granite blanc rougeâtre et mica blanc de la montagne des trois châteaux près Ribauviller
Normalized text: Echantillon de roche
Comment: Le numéro 28 correspond au catalogue manuscrit Lavoisier (inventaire 2, 8ème ordre "Terres vitreuses", 1er genre) Le numéro 2819 correspond au catalogue manuscrit Julien (1881)
Attributes   Attributes
Person City Cronology   Position
name: Henri Lecoq
resp.: author
name: Clermont-Ferrand
date/range: 1856- 1857
date of: compilation
epoch: 19 (2°)

Person City Cronology   Position
name: Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
resp.: owner
name: Ribauviller
date/range: 1763
date of: collected
epoch: 18 (2°)
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T-La 0015


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