Components relation detail

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From object
Shelfmark: QE381.F8 G93 ++
Type: map
Component's data
Type: map
Text: Carte minéralogique de la Champagne où se trouvent Retel, Rosoy, et Vouzieres. N° 17.
From object
Shelfmark: Car-11
Type: manuscript
Dimension: 200 x 137 mm..
Component's data
Type: travel diary
Text: _ Voyage minéralogique en Champagne en passant par Montgeron et Melun
Comment: 79 leaves of which 1-63 are numbered Before fol. N° 1 there are two leaves recto verso Blank pages: 40r, 47r, 50r
Person City Cronology   Position
name: Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
resp.: author
name: Paris
date/range: 1770
date of: publication
epoch: 18 (2°)
page/s: - 0

Person City Cronology   Position
name: Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
resp.: author
qualif.: none
name: -
date/range: 1769
type of date: exact
date of: compilation
epoch: 18 (2°)
page/s: - 0
Digital version1  Image/s
18 carte champagne retel


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