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From object
Shelfmark: 1696-01
Type: printed matter
Component's data
Type: offprint
Text: Observations on Respiration and the Use of Blood
Comment: Offprint from the Philosophical Transaction by Joseph Priestley, sent to Lavoisier with his authorgraph inscriprption "M. Lavoisier, from the author
From object
Object name: Lavoisier and the Chemist
Type: book
Component's data
Type: bibliographic reference
Text: Lavoisier and the Chemistry of Life: An Exploration of Scientific Creativity
Person City Cronology   Position
name: Joseph Priestley
resp.: author
qualif.: none
name: London
date/range: 1776
type of date: exact
date of: publication
epoch: 18 (2°)

Person City Cronology   Position
name: Frederic L. Holmes
resp.: author
qualif.: none
name: Madison-London
date/range: 1985
type of date: exact
date of: publication
epoch: 18 (2°)