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personellicon.gif (1040 byte)  Record author:  Marco Beretta    Creation:  07/02/2000 12:37:44    Last change:  

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Type: journal
Name: Osiris
Components of the object    (15)
 bibliographic reference  The New Chemistry in the Netherlands...
 bibliographic reference  The New Chemistry in Sweden: The Debate that wasn't...
 bibliographic reference  The New Chemistry in Spain...
 bibliographic reference  The chemical revolution: Essays in reinterpretation...
 bibliographic reference  The Chemical Revolution in the History of Chemistry...
 bibliographic reference  Research Traditions: Lavoisier and the Chemical Revolution...
 bibliographic reference  Precision instruments and the demonstrative proof in Lavoisier's chemistry...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's Conceptual Passage...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's conceptual passage...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier and the Origins of Modern Chemistry...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier and the Fulfillment of the Stahlian Revolution...
 bibliographic reference  Gunpowder and the Chemical Revolution...
 bibliographic reference  Continuity and Discontinuity in the Chemical Revolution...
 bibliographic reference  Certain unpublished letter from French scientists of the revolutionary period taken from the files o...
 bibliographic reference  A letter from Guyton de Morveau to Macquart relating to Lavoisier's attack against the phlogiston th...

15 record

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