Object detail

personellicon.gif (1040 byte)  Record author:  Marco Beretta    Creation:  13/06/2001 15:17:05    Last change:  13/06/2001

Suggestions & Corrections   

Object data
Type: instrument
Composition: 2
Dimension: H.: 26; Diam.: 14
 Shelfmark  Collection  Institution
 20167-20168   Lavoisier   Musée des arts et métiers-CNAM    Paris France
 Old shelfmark  Old collection  Old Institution
 105   Collection de Chazelles  
 106   Collection de Chazelles  
Phisical composition
 Material  Part 
Components of the object    (1)
 missing instrument  Two kettle-shaped vessels in fer-blanc with holed rim at base; stopper fitted with small brass knob ...

1 record

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