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personellicon.gif (1040 byte)  Record author:  Marco Beretta    Creation:  07/02/2000 12:37:44    Last change:  

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Type: journal
Name: Isis
Components of the object    (38)
 bibliographic reference  Boyle's Conception of Element Compared with That of Lavoisier...
 bibliographic reference  Boyle's conception of element compared with that of Lavoisier...
 bibliographic reference  Boyle, Lomonosov, Lavoisier and the Corpuscular Theory of Matter...
 bibliographic reference  Between History and Memory. Centennial and Bicentennial Images of Lavoisier...
 bibliographic reference  Antoine Lavoisier's Traité élémentaire de chimie - a bibliographical note...
 bibliographic reference  Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794) a note regarding his domicile during the French revolution...
 bibliographic reference  Analysis by Fire and Solvent Extractions: The Metamorphosis of a Tradition...
 bibliographic reference  An Attempt in the United States to Resolve the Differences Between the Oxygen and the Phlogiston The...
 bibliographic reference  A Word and the World: The Significance of Naming the Calorimeter...
 bibliographic reference  A note on some Lavoisiereana in the ' Journal de Paris'...
 bibliographic reference  A note on Lavoisier's scientific education...
 bibliographic reference  A lost memoir of Lavoisier...
 bibliographic reference  A complex odyssey: Frederic Lawrence Holmes - Lavoisier and the Chemistry of Life, an exploration ...

38 record

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