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personellicon.gif (1040 byte)  Record author:  Marco Beretta    Creation:  07/02/2000 12:37:44    Last change:  

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Type: journal
Name: Isis
Components of the object    (38)
 bibliographic reference  The Reception of Lavoisier's Chemistry in Japan...
 bibliographic reference  The Origin of Lavoisier's First Experiments on Combustion...
 bibliographic reference  The introduction of Lavoisier's chemical nomenclature into America...
 bibliographic reference  Some new facts relating to the arrest of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier...
 bibliographic reference  Scientific Writing and Scientific Discovery...
 bibliographic reference  Scientific Biography and Scientific Revolution: Lavoisier and Eighteenth Century Chemistry...
 bibliographic reference  Rival idioms for a revolutionized science and a republican citizenry...
 bibliographic reference  Reply to R. J. Morris...
 bibliographic reference  On the Historiography of Science: A Reply to Perrin...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's View of the Gaseous State and its Early Application to Pneumatic Chemistry...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's Thoughts on Calcination and Combustion, 1772-1773...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's Theory of Acidity...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's Geologic Activities, 1763-1792...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's early work in science 1763-1771...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier on Fire and Air: The Memoir of July 1772...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier as Chemist and Experimental Physicist: A Reply to Perrin...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier and Priestley...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier and Krebs: The Individual Scientist in the Near and Deeper Past...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier and his biographers...
 bibliographic reference  History of The Pneumatic Trough...
 bibliographic reference  Did Lavoisier Report to the Academy of Sciences on his Own Book?...
 bibliographic reference  Denis I. Duveen; Herbert S. Klickstein: A bibliography of the works of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, 17...
 bibliographic reference  Chemistry, Physics and the Chemical Revolution...
 bibliographic reference  Chemistry as Peer of Physics: A Response to Donovan and Melhado on Lavoisier...
 bibliographic reference  Chemistry as Peer of Physics: A Response to Donovan and Melhado on Lavoisier...

38 record

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