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personellicon.gif (1040 byte)  Record author:  Marco Beretta    Creation:  07/02/2000 12:37:44    Last change:  

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Type: journal
Name: Annals of Science
Components of the object    (36)
 bibliographic reference  Une mythologie révolutionnaire dans la chimie française...
 bibliographic reference  Two unrecorded publications of the Régie des Poudres et salpêtres probably written by Lavoisier...
 bibliographic reference  The Promotion of Mining and the Advancement of Science: The Chemical Revolution of Mineralogy...
 bibliographic reference  The Phlogistic Role of Heat in the Chemical Revolution and the Origins of Kirwan's 'Ingenious Modifi...
 bibliographic reference  The Origins and the Authorship of the Educational proposals published in 1793 by the Bureau de consu...
 bibliographic reference  The Observations of the abbé Francois Rozier (1734-93)...
 bibliographic reference  The newer views of Priestley and Lavoisier...
 bibliographic reference  The Ice Calorimeter of Lavoisier and Laplace and some of its Critics...
 bibliographic reference  The Evolution of a Chemist, Sir James Hall (1761-1832), and his Relations with Joseph Black, Antoin...
 bibliographic reference  The early years of the Lycée and the Lycée des Arts. A chapter in the lives of A. L. Lavoisier and A...
 bibliographic reference  The early years of Lycée and the Lycée des Arts. A chapter in the lives of A. L. Lavoisier and A. F....
 bibliographic reference  The Chemical Work of Horace Bénédict de Saussure (1740-1799), with the text of a letter written to h...
 bibliographic reference  Some Large Burning Lenses and their Use by EighteenthCentury French and British Chemists...
 bibliographic reference  Scientific Activities in Paris in 1791...
 bibliographic reference  Saltpetre, Tin and Gunpowder: Addenda to the Correspondence of Lavoisier and Franklin...
 bibliographic reference  'Public' Science: Hydrogen Balloons and Lavoisier's Decomposition of Water...
 bibliographic reference  Of Theory Shifts and Industrial Innovations: The Relations of J.-A. Chaptal and A.-L. Lavoisier...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's Technical Reports, 1768-1794 (Part II)...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's Technical Reports, 1768-1794 (Part I)...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's Oxygen Theory of Acidity...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's Memoir on the Composition of Nitric Acid...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's membership of the Société Royale de Médecine...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's membership of the Société Royale d'Agriculture and the Comité d'Agriculture...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's membership of the Assembly of Representatives of the Commune of Paris, 1789-1790...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier and his Last Printed Work: the Mémoires de physique et de chimie (1805)...

36 record

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