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personellicon.gif (1040 byte)  Record author:  Marco Beretta    Creation:  07/02/2000 12:37:44    Last change:  

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Type: journal
Name: Ambix
Components of the object    (28)
 bibliographic reference  The Lavoisier-Bucquet Collaboration: A Conjecture...
 bibliographic reference  The Function of Affinity Tables and Lavoisier's List of Elements...
 bibliographic reference  The Fatherland of Chemistry: early nationalistic currents in late eighteenth century German chemistr...
 bibliographic reference  The Conversion of C.-L. Berthollet to Lavoisier's Chemistry...
 bibliographic reference  The Collaboration of Bucquet and Lavoisier...
 bibliographic reference  The Chemical Revolution a Word from Monsieur Fourcroy...
 bibliographic reference  The Annales de Chimie 1789-1815...
 bibliographic reference  The Amsterdam Experiment on the Analysis of Water (1789)...
 bibliographic reference  The Amsterdam Experiment on the Analysis and Synthesis of Water (1789)...
 bibliographic reference  Some Early References to Revolutions in Chemistry...
 bibliographic reference  Richard Kirwan's Phlogiston Theory: Its Success and Fate...
 bibliographic reference  Prelude to Lavoisier's Theory of Calcination: Some Observations on Mercurius Calcinatus per se...
 bibliographic reference  Phlogiston after Oxygen...
 bibliographic reference  On some pre-publication copies of Lavoisier's Traité (1789)...
 bibliographic reference  Monsieur and Madame Lavoisier in 1789: The Chemical Revolution and the French Revolution...
 bibliographic reference  Madame Lavoisier, P.-S. and E.-I. Du Pont de Nemours and the publication of Lavoisier's 'Mémoires de...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's Views of Phlogiston and the Matter of Fire before about 1770...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's table of Simple Substances: Its Origin and Interpretation...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's Table of Elements: A Reappraisal...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's Memoirs on the Nature of Water and their Place in the Chemical Revolution...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier: The two French Revolutions and the Imperial Dyspotism of Oxygen...
 bibliographic reference  Lavoisier and the Phlogistic Connection...
 bibliographic reference  Contexts and Limits of Lavoisier's Analytical Plant Chemistry: Plant material and Classification...
 bibliographic reference  Authority and Authorship in the Method of Chemical Nomenclature...
 bibliographic reference  A Reluctant Catalyst: Joseph Black and the Edinburgh Reception of Lavoisier's Chemistry...

28 record

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