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Person detail

Anagraphic data
surname:  Golinski
name:  Jan
Profession  Period
Historian of science  
Related components    (6)  
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   bibliographic reference  The chemical revolution and politics of language...
       -  -  History of Science
   bibliographic reference  The spreading of the World: New Directions in the Historiography of Chemistry 1600-1800...
       -  -  Osiris
   bibliographic reference  Precision instruments and the demonstrative proof in Lavoisier's chemistry...
       -  -  Priestley and Lavoisier
   bibliographic reference  Priestley and Lavoisier...
       -  -  The Nicety of Experiment:
   bibliographic reference  The Nicety of Experiment: precision of measurement and precision of reasoning in late eighteenth cen...
       -  -  'Fit Instruments': Thermo
   bibliographic reference  'Fit Instruments': Thermometers in Eighteenth-Century Chemistry...

6 record

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