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Person detail

Anagraphic data
surname:  Holmes
name:  Frederic L.
Profession  Period
Historian of science  
Related components    (15)  
       -  -  Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
   bibliographic reference  What was the Chemical Revolution...
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier the Experimentalist...
       -  -  Chemical & Engineering News
   bibliographic reference  Antoine Lavoisier and the Conservation of Matter...
       -  -  Isis
   bibliographic reference  Scientific Writing and Scientific Discovery...
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier and Krebs: The Individual Scientist in the Near and Deeper Past...
   bibliographic reference  Analysis by Fire and Solvent Extractions: The Metamorphosis of a Tradition...
       -  -  Les Cahiers de Science & Vie
   bibliographic reference  Cum grano salis...
       -  -  Osiris
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's Conceptual Passage...
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's conceptual passage...
       -  -  Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
   bibliographic reference  The Boundaries of Lavoisier's Chemical Revolution...
       -  -  Lavoisier and the Chemist
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier and the Chemistry of Life: An Exploration of Scientific Creativity...
       -  -  Eighteenth-Century Chemis
   bibliographic reference  Eighteenth-Century Chemistry as an Investigative Enterprise...
       -  -  Antoine Lavoisier - The N
   bibliographic reference  Antoine Lavoisier - The Next Crucial Year...
       -  -  The Evolution of Lavoisie
   bibliographic reference  The Evolution of Lavoisier's Chemical Apparatus...
       -  -  Instruments and Experimen
   bibliographic reference  Instruments and Experimentation in the History of Chemistry...

15 record

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