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Person detail

Anagraphic data
surname:  Rappaport
name:  Rhoda
birth:    1935
Profession  Period
Historian of science  
Related components    (5)  
       -  -  British Journal for History of Science
   bibliographic reference  The Early Disputes Between Lavoisier and Monnet 1777-1781...
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's Theory of the Earth...
       -  -  Isis
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's Geologic Activities, 1763-1792...
       -  -  Journal of Nutrition
   bibliographic reference  Biography and Portrait, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier...
       -  -  The Geological Atlas of G
   bibliographic reference  The Geological Atlas of Guettard, Lavoisier, and Monnet: Conflicting Views of the Nature of Geology...

5 record

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