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Person detail

Anagraphic data
surname:  Siegfried
name:  Robert
Profession  Period
Historian of science  
Related components    (7)  
       -  -  Ambix
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's table of Simple Substances: Its Origin and Interpretation...
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier and the Phlogistic Connection...
       -  -  Annals of Science
   bibliographic reference  Composition, a Neglected Aspect of the Chemical Revolution...
       -  -  Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier and the Conservation of Weight Principles...
       -  -  Isis
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's View of the Gaseous State and its Early Application to Pneumatic Chemistry...
   bibliographic reference  An Attempt in the United States to Resolve the Differences Between the Oxygen and the Phlogiston The...
       -  -  Osiris
   bibliographic reference  The Chemical Revolution in the History of Chemistry...

7 record

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