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Person detail

Anagraphic data
surname:  Smeaton
name:  William Arthur
birth:    1925
death:    2001
Profession  Period
Historian of science  
Related components    (16)  
       -  -  Ambix
   bibliographic reference  Monsieur and Madame Lavoisier in 1789: The Chemical Revolution and the French Revolution...
   bibliographic reference  Madame Lavoisier, P.-S. and E.-I. Du Pont de Nemours and the publication of Lavoisier's 'Mémoires de...
       -  -  Annals of Science
   bibliographic reference  Two unrecorded publications of the Régie des Poudres et salpêtres probably written by Lavoisier...
   bibliographic reference  The Origins and the Authorship of the Educational proposals published in 1793 by the Bureau de consu...
   bibliographic reference  The early years of the Lycée and the Lycée des Arts. A chapter in the lives of A. L. Lavoisier and A...
   bibliographic reference  The early years of Lycée and the Lycée des Arts. A chapter in the lives of A. L. Lavoisier and A. F....
   bibliographic reference  The Chemical Work of Horace Bénédict de Saussure (1740-1799), with the text of a letter written to h...
   bibliographic reference  Some Large Burning Lenses and their Use by EighteenthCentury French and British Chemists...
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's membership of the Société Royale de Médecine...
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's membership of the Société Royale d'Agriculture and the Comité d'Agriculture...
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier's membership of the Assembly of Representatives of the Commune of Paris, 1789-1790...
   bibliographic reference  An account of Lavoisier's reconciliation with the Church a short time before his death...
       -  -  Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
   bibliographic reference  The Legacy of Lavoisier's Death...
       -  -  Endeavour
   bibliographic reference  French scientists in the shadow of the guillotine: The death roll of 1792-1794...
       -  -  History of Science
   bibliographic reference  New Light on Lavoisier: The Research of the Last Ten Years...
       -  -  Lavoisier et la Révolutio
   bibliographic reference  Lavoisier et la Révolution française. Le journal de Fougeroux de Bondaroy, édité avec la collaborati...

16 record

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