1783 |
(1783-01-02) (1783-03-28): Continues calorimetric studies with Laplace. Specific heats and heats of a few reactions: quicklime and water, quicklime and nitric acid, dilution of sulphuric acid, solution of salts and water, attack of steel by sulphuric acid
(1783-05-05): Experiments on respiration of birds and Guinea pigs in oxygen. Continued the 12 and 19 May. Examination of the purity of the oxygen with nitrous air.
(1783-05-19): Combustion of a candle
(1783-05-24): Combustion of Charcoal in oxygen. Calculation of the quantity of fixed air formed.
(1783-06-24): Experiments on the production of water by detonating oxygen and hydrogen under a bell jar, carried out in the presence of Blagden, Laplace, Vadermonde, Fourcroy, Meusnier, Legendre and Le Roy.
(1783-08-25): Beginning of a series of experiments on dissolving mercury in nitric acid, the purpose being to determine the composition of nitric acid. Experiments continued August 26-October 20.
(1783-09-27): Iron dissolved in sulphuric acid.
(1783-10) (1783-11): During recess of the Académie Lavoisier attempts experiments on decomposition of watrer by cold iron filings. Informed by Blagden, then in Paris, of Priestley's regeneration of metals from their calces by the action of hydrogen.
(1783-10-04): Hydrochloric acid, reaction with alkali and action of iron
(1783-10-15): Study of combinations of nitrous gas and oxygen.
(1783-12-18): Resumption of work on calorimetry (with Laplace?) - heats of combustion and specific heats of various substances. Heat produced by respiration of a Guinea pig.