1788 |
(1788-03-20): Session of experiments at the Arsenal to convert Marsilio Landriani to the new theory.
(1788-03-22): Analysis of iron from Le Creusot.
(1788-04-29): Analysis of sugar. Oxidation by mercuric oxide, measurement of quantities of carbon dioxide and water produced. Calculation of the composition.
(1788-05-09): Oxidation of carbon by mercuric oxide (continued May 16). Still occupied with these experiments July 4. Object is to determin the exact composition of carbon dioxide.
(1788-05-20): Oxidation of sandarac by mercuric oxide.
(1788-05-23): Specific gravity of carbonic acid gas.
(1788-05-30): Solution of copper in nitric acid.
(1788-06): A manuscript report in Lavoisier's hand on analysis of samples of clove.
(1788-07-16): Distillation of horn.
(1788-08-25) (1788-08-26): Oxidation of sugar, copal gum, flour, milk, by the black oxide of manganese. Various attempts at organic analysis.
(1788-09-09): Fermentation of sugar; prepared the 9th, continued the 11 September and 8 October. The final weighings are indicated but the calculations are missing.
(1788-09-13): A manuscript report in Lavoisier's hand on the analysis of indigo samples carried out by himself and Berthollet.
(1788-09-17) (1788-10-04): Distillation of various organic substances: horn, wax, oil, ivory.
(1788-10-22) (1788-10-24): Experiment to determine the quantity of oxygen contained in potassium chlorate (murate oxygéné de potasse) and red oxide of mercury.
(1788-10-27): The accident of Essone during the experiment on use of potassium chlorate for gunpowder. Le Tort and Madmoiselle Chevraud killed in the explosion.
(1788-11-14): Attempt to analyze starch and meat by distillation.