1773 |
(1773-02-22) (1773-02-23): Calcination of lead and tin in retorts
(1773-02-26): Volatility of alkalis under vacuum. "Donc les alkalis volatils s'évaporent dans le vuide."
(1773-02-26): Comparison between the fixation of air by lead and by alkalis. The minium (red lead) "est suivant moi une combinaison d'air et de plomb."
Uncertainty on the nature of this air: "Je crois qu'on doit en conclure que l'air combiné avec le plom
(1773-03): Reduction of mercury precipitate per se (red oxide of mercury); obtains oxygen but unaware of what he has. Notes that it supports combustion. Experiments on nitrous air.
(1773-03-01): Study of fixed air, proposals for apparatus to determine physical properties of CO2 and for combining it with different liquids
(1773-03-14): Experimentation on action of burning glass on iron, various earths, borax. (Isolated experiments on one day, not resumed until July).
(1773-03-29): Calcination of zinc, of tin, reduction of minium by charocoal
(1773-03-30): Calcination of lead with burning glass under a "cloche à eau".
"J'ai vu avec surprise que le plomb ne se calcinat pas davantage. J'ai commencé dès lor à supçonner que le contact d'un air circulant est nécessaire à la formation de la chaux m
(1773-04-06): Reaction of fixed alkali on metallic oxides (chaux); precipitation of mercury from a nitrate (nitrique) solution by sodium carbonate (soude).
"Je me suis fait bien des fois une objection bien forte contre mon système de la réduction métalli
(1773-04-21): Makes experiments on the combustion of phosphorus
(1773-05-04): Lavoisier attempts to heat charcoal and vitriolic acid with burning glass. Also phosphorous under a layer of alcohol
(1773-05-06): Quantitative experiment, dissolution of iron by nitric acid
(1773-05-07): Apparatus for preparation and manipulation of carbon dioxide. Evidently testing Bucquet's experiments for latter's name is mentioned
(1773-05-10) (1773-05-20): Experiments on fixed air and volatile alkalis, on lime (chaux) etc.
(1773-05-13): Desiccation of nitre and chalk "eguilles" du nitre. Does chalk calcined at low temperature tak up fixed air)
(1773-05-16): Fragmentary experiments on fermentations pursued through July. Collection of gas given off. Experiments and wheat flour and on wine, records gas absorbed.
(1773-05-22): Detonation of nitre and sulphur, air produced extinguishes flame
(1773-05-23) (1773-05-24): Reduction of minium by carbon (charcoal). Study of gas produced
(1773-05-27): Ammonia produced by reaction with lime. Also experiment on fluminating gold
(1773-06-04) (1773-06-19): Experiment to determine whether lime gives something to soda as Meyer believes, or removes something from it according to the English thesis. Reaction of dried, slaked lime on sodium carbonate
(1773-06-19): Experiment on the air produced by dissolving chalk in nitric acid. Incorrectly concludes its density same as that of common air.
(1773-06-27): Combustion of phosphorus under a "cloche à eau". On July 1 he examines this air which does not seem to contain carbon dioxide.
(1773-06-28): Combustion of minium by charcoal. Performs a metallic reduction for M. de Trudaine (obviously of minium and charcoal).
(1773-06-30): Combustion of phosphorous over mercury with a burning glass.
"Il aurait été bien inéressant de rassembler cet acide dans cet état pour le peser et avoir l'augmentation du poids pour voir si elle était proportionelle à l'absorption." Difficu
(1773-06-30): Experiments on lime (chaux) and fixed air