1784 |
(1784-01-01) (1784-03-14): More calorimetric experiments with Laplace: heats of respiration, of combustion; specific heats. The related memoir is published in the Mémoires de chimie.
(1784-03): Combustion of wax and charcoal. Respiration of a Guinea pig, weight of "acide carbonique" formed. Combustion of phosphorous.
(1784-03): Decomposition of water in an heated rifle barrel. "Il s'est produit une quantité d'air inflammable considérable."
(1784-03-01) (1784-03-19): Distillation of coal, examination of the air released.
(1784-03-22): Second experiment on decomposition of water in a rifle barrel. "On a monté l'appareil à fare passer l'eau goutte à goutte dans un canon de fusil incandescent." That day they prepared 82 pints of hydrogen.
(1784-03-25): Decomposition of oil of turpentine by strong heating.
(1784-03-27): Experiments at the hôtel des Monnaies: incandescent gold, silver, copper. Fail to decompose water. Wxplosion with melted tin and antimony poured into water.
(1784-03-29): In the presence of the entire aerostatic commission experiment on the decomposition of water by iron are repeated.
(1784-04-01): Inflammable air produced from alcohol dripping into an incandescent iron tube.
(1784-04-06): Further experiments on obtaining inflammable air by decomposition of water. Weight ratio of hydrogen and oxygen in water calculated to the 1:10 or 1:5.
(1784-04-10): Decomposition of water by incandescent charcoal.
(1784-04-14): Decomposition of water by iron: in a rifle barrel lined with copper and enclosing an iron spiral. Following three experiments of March 29, April 10 and 14 are long mathematical discussions on the composition of water, composition of carbon d
(1784-05): Experiments on quantification of oxygen and hydrogen in water.
(1784-05-10) (1784-05-17): Combustion of charcoal in oxygen. Carried out under a bell jar; the charcoal is ignited by means of phosphorous and punk (amadou). The burned air is absorbed by alkali; differences in volume measured after combustion and after a
(1784-06-01): Combustion of candle and weighing of gaseous products to determine composition of wax.
(1784-06-28): Combustion of iron in dephlogisticated air. Quantity of oxygen fixed is measured.
(1784-09-04): At the Académie, in the presence of Prince Henry de Prussia, "MM. Lavoisier et Meusnier ont lu le récit de leurs expériences sur la combustion de l'esprit de vin et sa transmutation en eau, elles ont été repétées en presence du Prince."
(1784-10): Lavoisier studies thermal decomposition and reactions of ammoniacal salts.
(1784-10-14): Experiment on sewage. The alleged soda made from sewage and common salt.
(1784-11): Study of potassium and ammonium nitrate. Detonation of nitre.
(1784-12-24) (1784-12-25): Experiments on dessication of tobacco.
(1784-12-29): Combustion of a candle in an adjustable flue. Collection of water produced.
(1784-12-30): Begins the elaborate experiment on the decomposition and recomposition of water. Weighing of rifle barrels provided with rods of iron in which the decomposition will be done.