1774 |
(1774-10): Prestley's visit to Paris. He is received at the home of Lavoisier and relates to him his observations in precipitate per se.
(1774-10-05) (1774-10-15): Experiments with the large burning glass of Mr. Trudaine, generally to test the effectiveness of that lens.
(1774-10-28): Letter of Sartine to Lavoisier - concerns proposed test of Lavoisier's still for desalting sea water
(1774-10-28): Experiments at Montigny. Preparation of "air marin" (HCl), air alcalin (NH3) and air nitreux (NO).
(1774-10-28): Passes a spark between the end of an iron wire and a mercury surface in a closed tube containing air, in the presence of litums dye. The litums turns pink. In a vacuum, discharge continues for fifteen minutes, no coloration. In the presence
(1774-11): Beginning of experiments on the reduction and decomposition of precipitate per se with a burning lens. There is no trace of this work to be found in the laboratory notebooks which we possess.
(1774-11-12): Letter of Beccaria on his early disovery that metals in closed vessels are not calcinable. Drafts a reply in Latin (unpublished).
(1774-11-12): At the Académie, Lavoisier reads his Mémoire sur la calcination de l'étain dans les vaisseaux fermés.
P-V, 1774, fol. 293.
(1774-11-19): A report by Brisson, Lavoisier and Sage on the controversy between Cadet and Baumé over reduction of mercury precipitate per se. Conclusion is that the reduction occurs with no addition of phlogiston.
(1774-11-22): Calcination of lead in a closed retort. The residual air extinguishes flames; with limewater gives a precipitate but the test is not conclusive; shows no reaction with nitrous air.
(1774-11-24): Magellan's letter to Lavoisier. Sends sample of English beer. Further references on desalting sea water.
(1774-11-29): Solution of iron in nitric acid; quantity of air released.
(1774-11-29): First notes on vegetable analysis. Distillation of vegetables gives water, acid, oil and charcoal but the composition is not known. Asks what is the nature of the air released and of the oil formed. "Pour l'article de l'huile, on pourrait en
(1774-11-29): Further notebook entry: reflection on the multiplicity of airs and changes of physical state. In particular Lavoisier has the idea that all substances in nature "peuvent se présenter à nos yeux dans trois états différents, sous forme solide,
(1774-12): The Observations sur la physique (vol. 4, 1774, pp. 454-55) publishes a note on a new burning glass installed in the Jardin de l'Infante which "on vient de constuire" at M. Trudaine's expense.
(1774-12-03): At the Académie reads an addition (a reply to Beccaria's letter) to the memoir of November 12. The text of this communication does not appear in the minutes. The December issue of the Observations sur la physique publishes a memoir read to t
(1774-12-12): Letter of Lavoisier to the Abbé Rozier in reply to that Of Beccaria. Observations sur la physique, 1774, vol. 4, p. 452.