1785 |
(1785): Houdon scultps a bust of Lavoisier.
(1785): Lavoisier become director of the Académie des sciences.
(1785-01) (1785-02-12): Further preparation for the large scale experiment on decomposition and recomposition of water. Tests and calibration of of the gasometers.
(1785-01-22): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a lu un Mémoire sur la dissolution des métaux par les acides." First in a series of memoirs with decisive attacks on phlogiston. Reading completed 26 February.
P-V, 1785, fol. 13.
(1785-02-15): Lavoisier's Mémoire sur les altérations qui arrivent à l'air dans plusieurs circonstances… is read before the Société Royale de Médecine. Based on his memoir read to the Académie on April 9, 1777.
(1785-02-16): At the Académie Lavoisier requests commissioners to observe his experiment on water. The entire class of chemistry is appointed, plus Saron, Brisson, Bailly, Laplace, Monge and the duc de la Rochefoucauld.
(1785-02-27) (1785-02-28): Decomposition of water: beginning of the great experiment performed before the Académie's commission. Quantitative data on water decomposed and gases formed. Followed by recomposition of the gases in a weighed flask.Second exper
(1785-03-01): Series of experiments on the recomposition of water. Weighing of water formed and of the desiccating tube through which the gases pass. Examination of unreacted gases in the chamber.
(1785-03-02): At the Académie Lavoisier reads his Mémoire sur l'affinité du principe oxygine. Had been recorded December 20, 1783, reading completed March 5, 1785.
P-V, 1785, fol. 46.
(1785-03-07): Chemical tests and calculations relating to the experiments of February 27-28.
(1785-03-09) (1785-03-12): Signed certificates by the commissioners based on the notes they had taken during the course of the water experiment.
(1785-03-16): "M. Monge a présenté à l'Académie l'eau qu'il a obtenue par la combustion de l'air inflammable et de l'air vital; les memes commissaires que pour l'expérience de M. Lavoisier."
P-V, 1785, fol. 51.
(1785-04-10): At the urging of Lavoisier, then Director, the Académie names an extraordinary commission to study reforms of its structure.
(1785-04-23): Ratification of the reforms of the Académie's structure. The "réglement" had been drawn up by Lavoisier himself.
(1785-04-29): Preparation of oxygen. Action of sulphuric acid on manganese, and continued heating to decompose the sulphate. Repeated the 9, 14 and 16 May.
(1785-05-07): Cadet, Darcet and Lavoisier report favorably on Pelletier's memoir on dephlogisticated marine acid although it employs phlogistic concepts.
(1785-05-07): Combustion of spirit of wine and of olive oil to determine their compositions. Data for spirit of wine are recalculated on July 5, 1788.
(1785-05-18): Combustion of sulphur. Most of the these combustion experiments were described in the Mémoire sur la combinaison du principe oxygène avec l'espirt de vin.
(1785-05-30) (1785-06-10): Experiments on alcoholic fermentation.
(1785-06-09): A notice by Lavoisier on the Académie de sciences, describing its recent reorganization, appears on the Journal de Paris.
(1785-06-15): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a lu un Mémoire sur la décomposition du nitre par le charbon, imprimé dans le tome des Savants étrangers." Lavoisier announces his repetition of Cavendish's experiments relating to combination of nitrogen and ox
(1785-06-16): First meeting of the Comité d'administration d'agriculture at the home of Vergennes.
(1785-06-23): Second meeting of the Comité d'agriculture. Lavoisier presents a report on the organization of the Comité.
(1785-06-28): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a lu des Réflexions sur le phlogistique!" Reading finished July, 13. Decisive attack against phlogiston, sums up his result published up to that time as evidence against Stahl's theory and as a reply to criticis
(1785-07-16): Letter from Meusnier de la Place to design of a building in which a large aerostatic machine is to be built.