1790 |
(1790-01): Compliation of a report on the activities of the Régie des poudres probably addressed to the Assemblée Nationale.
(1790-01): A short manuscript on the Régie des poudres contrasts the efficiency of the Régie with the corruption of the old Farm system.
(1790-01-07): Letter of Lavoisier to M. Du Fresne, director of the Trésorerie Nationale, protesting reduction of Academicians pensions.
(1790-01-27): The chemistry section, in conjunction with Tillet, Sage and Darcet report to the Académie on the art of assaying alloyed gold and silver, supplementing their report of August 5, 1789.
(1790-02-02): Letter from Lavoisier to Benjamin Franklin on the revolution both political and chemical.
(1790-02-17): A report to the Paris Commune by the administration of the Caisse d'escompte, which is said to be reminiscent of Lavoisier's style.
(1790-03-10): Report of the constitutional committee of the Académie which had been formed in response to La Rochefoucauld's call for internal reform. The 74-article regulation was mistakenly included in Lavoisier's 1785 reform papers in his Oeuvres.
(1790-03-30): A circular of instructions to employees of the Tax Farm, signed by Lavoisier and several others, on the sale of salt and its price.
(1790-04-12): Founding of the Société de '89 (an informal nucleus had existed since October 1789). The club published a Journal de la Socitété de 1789 from June 5 to September 15, 1790.
(1789-05-08): The Assemblée Nationale, by decree, charges the Académie with establishing a uniform system of weights and measures.
(1790-05-31): A commission from the Académie (Borda, Lavoisier, Condorcet, Bossut) give an opinion on a modified plan for a canal through St. Denis. They had earlier (May, 24, 1786) approved the original plan.
(1790-07-05): Letter of Lavoisier to Joseph Black in which he complains of the obstacles opposing the progress of science.
(1789-07-14): Lavoisier lodges delegates of the National Guard of Blois on the occasion of the "Fête de la fédération".
(1790-07-24): Letter of Lavoisier to Black, introducing M. Terray, nephew of the Minister. Lavoisier expresses a desire to travel "sortout en Angleterre et à Edimbourg pour y vous voir."
(1790-08-29): At a meeting of the Société de 1789, Lavosier reads his Réflexions sur les assignats.
(1790-09-13): "Séance extraordinaire" at the Académie des sciences. Voted that new regulations are in force, and letter on the subject to the Assemblée Nationale read and approved.
P-V, 13 September 1790.
(1790-09-27): At a meeting of the Assembly of the Paris Commune, Lavoisier (then a representative) presents a report (by himself, Demachy, Quinquet and Cousin) on a process for preventing corrosion of firearms.
(1790-10-24): Letter of Black to Lavoisier. Says that he is beginning to recommend the new system of chemistry to his students as simpler, more unified and better supported by facts than the old system. Would be pleased to receive a visit from Lavoisier,
(1790-10-27): Commission composed of Borda, Lagrange, Lavoisier, Tillet and Condorcet reports to the Académie recommending use of the decimal system.
(1790-11-13): Letter from Lavoisier to Black.
(1790-11-13): Public session of the Académie. Lavoisier reads a Mémoire sur la respiration des animaux. Report of experiments performed on guinea pig and human subject (Séguin). Announcement of work in progress on digestion and transpiration.
P-V, 1790,
(1790-11-17): At the Académie "MM. Lavoisier et Seguin ont fait des expériences sur la respiration humaine et celle des animaux… M. Lavoisier a lu un Mémoire sur la respiration des animaux." Continued December 7 and 11.
P-V, 1790, fol. 235.
(1790-11-19): Letter of Lavoisier to Black: lists eleven recent observations from his work on respiration.
(1790-12): Lavoisier drafts a short memoir on the determination of the old measures.
(1790-12-28): Letter of Black to Lavoisier.