1793 |
(1793-01-04): Lavoisier drafts decision awarding prize for 1793 on Natural History to Duhamel fils.
(1793-01-04): Determination with Hauy of the weight of a cubic foot of distilled water at different temperatures.
(1793-01-21): Louis XVI is guillotined.
(1793-02-05): Lavoisier draws up a short memoir protesting the less of prize funds given to the Académie by M. de Monthyson in 1781 and 1782. These had been placed in lide annuities on the first dauphin and the king.
(1793-03): At least three volumes of Lavoisier's Mémoires de physique et de chimie are in press at Dupont's printing house.
(1793-03-12): The busts are removed from the meeting hall of the Académie.
(1793-04-09): Guyton de Morveau, as president of the Comité de Salut publique, established a commission of four citizens, competent in chemistry and mechanics, to investigate new means of defense. Lavoisier was not named.
(1793-04-24): Lavoisier signs a contract with Panckoucke for the Encyclopédie Méthodique.
(1793-04-28): Lakanal chosen as the agent of the Comité d'instruction publique to consider claims of the Académie. Lavoisier writes him immediately on the importance of the Académie's work for the public welfare.
(1793-05-04): Lavoisier reads a memoir Sur le Lycée des arts at the Lycée. In the same occasion he proposes aa Société centrale des sciences et des arts.
(1793-05-05): At public meeting of the Lycée des arts Lavoisier reports on Berthollet's essay for bleaching linen.
(1792-05-12): Receipt to Lavoisier by M. Girard (Ingénieur des ponts et chaussées à Poitiers) for prize money. Followed by "Prix proposé par l'Académie royale des sciences pour l'année 1793" printed by Dupont.
(1793-05-17): Lakanal obtains a decree allowing the Académie to elect new members. He manages to have passed a new decree that salaries of academicians be paid as in the past.
(1793-05-24) (1793-05-05): Study by Lavoisier with Borda on the thermal expansion of platinum reulers designed as standards of the bases for triangulation of the Commissione of weights and measures.
(1793-05-26): Letter to Condorcet on the Académie des sciences. Lavoisier as treasurer explains the confusion on payment of Condorcet's pension.
(1793-05-31): Lavoisier stands guard duty at Place de la Révolution.
(1793-06-05): By decree of the Convention Nationale the liquidation committee of the Ferme Générale is disbanded, their books put under seal and their funds confiscated. Lavoisier, although not a member of the committee, was included in the decision.
(1793-06-10): Foundation of the Muséum d'histoire naturelle.
(1793-06-14): Lavoisier still supporting concept of the a central society of scientists and artisans.
(1793-06-14): Lavoisier begins to read to the Lycée des arts a report (in collaboration with Fourcroy and Hallé) on proceedings of the learned societies during April and May 1793.
(1793-06-15): Lavoisier, as treasurer of the Académie, drafts a letter of credit for Méchain guaranteeing up to 30000 livres to cover his expenses.
(1793-06-28): Document from the Académie certifying the residence of Fourcroy. Signed by Darcet, Laplace and Lavoisier.
(1793-07): Lavoisier, as president of the Lycée des arts, presents a petition to the Convention urging that classes for artisans be made available in the evenings and on Sundays and holidays.
(1793-07-09): Note of Fourcroy to Lavoisier requesting information for the Convention on the Règlement of 1791.
(1793-07-10): The Bureau de consultation des arts et métiers appoints Borda, Desaudray, Fourcroy, Hassenfratz and Lavoisier to establish "un plan d'éducation à l'usage des artistes."