1794 |
(1794): Rapport des commissaires réviseurs des trois compagnies de finances is drawn up by Gaudot and his associates. The report is published together with various Pièces justificatives including replies by the Fermier généraux to charges against them.
(1794): Reply, drafted by Lavoisier, to accusations against the Fermiers Généraux together with supporting documents
(1794): Lamarck publishes a book in which he refutes Lavoisier's pneumatic theory.
(1794-01-08): Lavoisier's property at Fréchines is placed under government seal.
(1794-01-08): Lavoisier obtains permission to visit his residence at the Boulevard de la Madeleine to take some papers and manuscripts related to the publication of his collections of memoirs in chemistry and physics.
(1794-01-27): After 31 days of work the Fermiers Généraux were able to present their accounts to the Committee of finance.
(1794-04-23): The vain attempt of Lavoisier's colleagues at the Régie des poudres to obtain Lavoisier's release in order that he might work with them on establishing the accounts of a revised system.
(1794-04): Cadet and Baumé appear at the prison to present a certificate stating that Lavoisier had always opposed adding water to tobacco.
(1794-04): Lavoisier composes a short autobiographical note listing his contributions to the Revolution.
(1794-04): Madame Lavoisier's unsuccessful attempt to approach Dupin directly and persuade him to use his influence in Lavoisier's favor.
(1794-05-05): Decree of the Convention ordering the Fermiers Généraux brought to trial before the Revolutionary Tribunal (after five months of imprisonment). Dupin's accusation of delay tactics against the Ferme's liquidation committee.
(1794-04-23): The Bureau de Consultation des arts et métiers gives testimony of its esteem of Lavoisier (signed by Lalande and Silvestre):
(1794-05-05): During the afternoon Lavoisier composes letters to a few people close to him of which a letter to Augez de Villiers has survived. (The letter was published in the Journal du Lycée des arts in October 1795).
(1794-05-05): Transfer of Lavoisier to the Conciergerie that evening.
(1794-05-07): Deputation from the Lycée des arts visits Lavoisier in the Conciergerie and crowns his with laurel.
(1794-07-07): Interrogation and preliminaries for the trial.
(1794-05-07): Following the interrogation Lavoisier drafts a quick note to the public prosecutor complaining that certain papers necessary for his defense had been taken from him.
(1794-05-08): The personal belongings are removed from the prisoners, who are apparently prepared for the scaffold before trial.
(1794-05-08): The four defense attorneys are introduced and given a quater-hour to confer with the accused. The trial presided by Coffinhal begins at 10 o'clock. Ends with unanimous verdict of guilty.
(1794-05-08): P.M. Execution of the Fermiers Généraux, Place de la Révolution. Paulze third; Lavoisier fourth. Executionar: Sanson. Burial: Cemetery of La Madeleine.
(1794-05-09): Statement of Lagrange to Delambre: "Il ne leur a fallu qu'un moment pour faire tomber cette tête, et cent années peut-être ne suffiront pas pour en reproduire une semblable."
(1794-05-12): Citizen Quenioux arrives at Fréchines from Blois to take inventory of the holdings.
(1794-05-22) (1794-06-01): Nicolas Robin, notary, and Jacques Lemaire take inventory of the furnishing of Fréchines.
(1794-05-30): Quinquet and Ray start an inventory of pharmaceutical items at Lavoisier's residence in Boulevard de la Madeleine.
(1794-06-14): Nicolas Leblanc and Berthollet draw up a tentative list of chemical items at the home of Madame Lavoisier.