1792 |
(1792): Publication of two memoirs on gunpowder.
(1792-01): Letter to the Société des amis de la Constitution de Blois. Lavoisier says he is overwhelmed by his activities and is beginning to feel the weight of the immense burden placed upon him.
(1792-01): Interesting letter to Nompère de Champagny in which Lavoisier expresses his concern over the deplorable state of finances and the war menace.
(1792-01): Lavoisier drafts a report to the Académie on the funds available for the prize competition.
(1792-01-07): The committee of weights and measures convenes following a meeting of the Académie.
(1792-01-15): Letter of Lavoisier to "MM. Les Fondateurs dy Lycée". Too busy to attend meetings: "mon temps est tellement occupé par les détails relatifs à la chose publique."
(1792-02): Lavoisier resigns post at the National Treasury.
(1792-02): Lavoisier recalled to the Régie des poudres (replacing Clouet). Shrtly after his return he offers his resignation to Clavières, offering to continue his analysis without retribution. But he has to stay until the return of Le Facheux fils.
(1792-02-02): Letter of Cahier, Minister of the Interior, to Lavoisier concerning pensions of Tessier and Fourcroy.
(1792-02-22): At the Académie "M. Seguin a lu un mémoire sur la transpiration. M. Lavoisier a annoncé à cette occasion que ce travail commencé d'abord en commun avec lui avait été suivi ensuite par M. Seguin seul et que les expériences de ce mémoire lui a
(1792-02-25): Laplace, Vicq d'Azyr and Lavoisier report to the Académie on Vauquelin's memoir on respiration of insects.
(1792-02-25): Berthollet, Tessier and Lavoisier report favorably on Hassenfratz's memoir on plant metabolism.
(1792-03): Lavoisier, together with Lagrange, Laplace, Fourcroy, Guyton de Morveau and Berthollet, attends the lectures in mineralogy delivered by Haüy.
(1792-03-07): Adanson, Jussieu, Fourcroy and Lavoisier report on Seguin's memoir on plant metabolism and on the dispute between Hassenfratz and Seguin on the origin of the carbon in plants.
(1792-04-25): Fourcroy's proposal that the Académie strike from its roll members guilty of "incivism".
(1792-05-11): Minister of the Interior presents a report to the Assemblée Nationale on the progress made by the Académie in unification of weights and measures.
(1792-06-10): Le Roy, Lavoisier, Berthollet and Pelletier report to the Académie on the merits of some cotton skeins which had been dyed by M. Bonafont.
(1792-06-12): At the request of M. Dufresne Saint-Léon, commissioner of the liquidation, Baumé, Lavoisier, Berthollet and Fourcroy prepare a summary of Dambourney's contributions to the art of dyeing.
(1792-06-15): Letter of Lavoisier to the King, declining position of Minister of Public Revenue.
(1792-06-25): Méchain leaves for Spain to begin measurements in connection with determination of the merdian. Delambre is likewise engaged in measurements between Paris and Dunkerque.
(1792-07-11): Central commission of weights and measures reports to the Académie of the new measures.
(1792-07-13): Letter of Hassenfratz to Lavoisier as gunpowder commissioner in reference to powder experiments.
(1792-07-15): Lavoisier replaces Monge on the Central commission of weights and measures.
(1792-07-15): Lavoisier drafts program for prize on nutrition to be awarded in 1794. His discussion includes an account on the perpetual cycle of air and water.
(1792-07-28): At the Académie Lavoisier reads a note destined to be published with the subject of a prize offered by the Académie for the year 1794: Déterminer les fonctions du foie et les usages de la bile. Contemporary with several of Lavoisier's report