1791 |
(1790-01): Lavoisier's statement vindicating the actions of the Régie des poudres, in the form of a memoir drafted by him in the name of the four Régisseurs.
(1791-01-15): Lavoisier presides a meeting of the Caisse d'escompte debating reform of the handling of current accounts.
(1791-01-27): Marat's attack on Lavoisier on L'Ami du Peuple, 27 janvier 1791.
(1791-01-29): Lavoisier, Laplace and Coulomb report to the Académie on Prony's memoir.
(1791-03-03): An attack on Lavoisier by M…., Officier du bataillon de Saint-Louis La Culture: "Fermier général, régisseur des poudres et salpetres, auteur du sublime projet de renfermer Paris de hautes murailles…"
L'Ami du Peuple, n°, 388, 1791, 3 mars 1
(1791-03-09): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a continué la lecture de son Mémoire sur la respiration des animaux." Continued the 12 and 26 March. Probably second reading of memoir from previous fall.
P-V, 1791, fol. 299.
(1791-03-15): Lavoisier presents a memoir on the calculation of the net national product to the Assemblée Nationale (first results of his work on the Richesse Territoriale). Roederer recommends that the memoir be printed.
(1791-03-19): Commission composed of Lagrange, Laplace, Borda, Monge and Condorcet reports choosing a new unit of measurement, recommending an arc of merdian as the base.
(1791-03-20): The Assemblée Nationale cancels the lease of ther Fermiers Généraux as of July 1, 1789. A report on the accounts of the tax farm to be filed (by a committee of nine Fermiers Généraux) by January 1, 1793.
(1791-04): Lavoisier is named a commissioner of the National Treasury.
(1791-04-02): Le Roy and Lavoisier report to the Académie on Assier Pericat's work on the construction of new barometers.
(1791-04-07): Lavoisier writes Delessart, Minister of the Interior, an open letter refusing any salary for his duties with the Nationl Treasury on the grounds that his salary as Régisseur des poudres is sufficient for his needs. (Published in Moniteur, 9
(1791-04-23): The work on weights and measures is divided among five committees appointed by the Académie. Lavoisier and Hauy are to determine the weight of a certain volume of water at 0° in a vacuum.
(1791-05): A poem is published containing an attack on Lavoisier from counter-revolutionary party.
(1791-05-04): Public session at the Académie: "M. Lavoisier a lu un second Mémoire sur la respiration des animaux."
(1791-05-11): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a donné une description verbale de l'appareil qui a servi à des expériences qi'il a fait conjointement avec M. Seguin sur la transpiration. Il a assi expliqué les résultats de ces expériences."
P-V, 1791, fol.
(1791-05-26): Article in Moniteur praising Lavoisier's brochure De la richesse territoriale de la France.
(1791-05-31): Letter of Meusnier de la Place relating to the "affaire de Trouville" requesting funds to cover expense of publishing an article in the Journal des Patriotes.
(1791-06-08): Dupont issues a prospectus announcing the opening of his publishing hous, of which Lavoisier and his wife were among the sponsors.
(Imprimerie de Dupont, Député de Nemours à l'Assemblée Nationale. BNF: Vp 21199).
(1791-06-10): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a commencé la lecture d'un mémoire contenant la suite de ses expériences et de celles de M. Seguin sur la respiration des animaux."
P-V, 1791, fol. 367.
(1791-06-11): As a member of the Société Royale de Médecine Lavoisier is named a member of a commission to investigate the condition of prison.
(1791-06-21): Arrest of Louis XVI and his family at Varennes.
(1791-07-01): The commissioners of the National Treasury assume their duties.
(1791-07-14): Meeting of the Constitutional Society in Birmingham. Priestley's house is attaked by loyalist rioters and his house and laboratory are completely destroyed.
Les Chimistes de Paris au Docteur Priestley, Salut…