1777 |
(1777): Lavoisier edits an Instruction sur l'établissement des nitrières
(1777-01-15): Franklin attends meeting at the Académie des sciences
(1777-01-27): Experiments on animal respiration carried out with Bucquet. A guinea pig placed under a bell jar filled with oxygen died after two hours and twenty five minutes.
(1777-03): Trip to La Roche-Guyon with Clouet to collect samples to analyse for the presence of saltpetre.
(1777-03-12): Lavoisier reads to the Académie a memoir on the use of ashes in the manufacture of saltpetre.
(1777-03-21): At the Académie Lavoisier deposits the Mémoire sur la combustion du phosphore de Kunckel. (Read April 16).
(1777-04): Experiment on the combustion of candles to verify that the air diminishes in volume through the formation and solution of carbon dioxide.
(1777-04-09): Public session of the Académie: "M. Lavoisier a lu un Mémoire sur les changements que le sang éprouve dans les poumons et sur les mécanisme de la respiration." Also Laplace read a memoir "sur la nature du fluide qui reste dans le récipient d
(1777-04-10): Bucquet delivers a lecture on phlogiston at Lavoisier's laboratory. The course, probably attended also by Madame Lavoisier, continued in May.
(1777-04-19): At the Académie: M. Lavoisier demande des commissaires pour une découverte qu'il a faite, et sur laquelle il demande le secret. MM. Montigny, le chevalier d'Arcy et le chevalier de Borda ont été nommés." No indication is given subsequently i
(1777-05): Lavoisier prepares an abstract of Priestley's work
(1777-05-03): At the Académie reading of Mémoire sur la respiration des animaux. The reading had begun on April 6. Reports the experiment on analysis and synthesis of air. Uses the expression "acide crayeux aériforme" for carbon dioxide.
P-V, 1777, fol.
(1777-05-10): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a un mémoire sur le gaz" in presence of Joseph II.
(1777-05-31): Experiment on combustion of pyrophore. Diminution of the volume of gas (first air, then oxygen) in which is burned.
(1777-06-08): Letter from Lavoisier to Franklin, inviting him to his laboratory at the Arsenal where certain of Priestley's experiments were to be repeated.
(1777-07): Lavoisier points out that by prolonging "la fouille" the King is defeating one of the three goals which prompted the establishment of the Régie des poudres, i.e. easing the burden which the old system had placed upon the people
(1777-07-09): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a lu l'écrit suivant: Expériences sur plusieurs matières qui deviennent lumineuses dans l'obscurité à un degré de chaleur moindre que celle du fer rouge."
"M. Lavoisier a commencé la lecture d'un mémoire sur la
(1777-07-22): Action of nitric acid on sugar; study of gases collected. Experiments reported in a memoir presented September 5, 1777.
(1777-08-08): By decree of this date those communities which construct artificial nitre beds will exempted from "la fouille."
(1777-09): Lavoisier and Bucquet carry out the combustion of hydrogen (from sulphuric acid and iron) in an open bottle in the presence of limewater; they find that carbon dioxide is not formed.
(1777-09-05): Lavoisier and Bucquet present, in order to assure priority, 26 memoirs on experiments carried out jointly or separately.
P-V, 1777, fol. 527.
(1777-09-05): Presentation of two memoirs on mineralogical subjects in collaboration with Guettard.
(1777-11-12): Reading of Mémoire sur la combustion en général. Parallel between combustion and respiration.
P-V, 1777, fol. 542.
(1777-11-27): Measures specific heats of various liquids by the rate at which they warm up in a constant temperature bath.
(1777-12-06): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a commoncé un Mémoire sur la construction [sic] des chandelles dans l'air atmosphérique."
Reading and finished January 31, 1778. The formation of carbon dioxide allows him to confirm his notions on the composit