1778 |
(1778): Publication of a work on the production of salpêtre.
(1778): Plan for a secon volume of the Opuscules physiques et chimiques (published 1774).
(1778): Lavoisier buys an electroscope, a microscope made by Dellebarre and a barometer made by Mégnié.
(1778-01-14): Macquer and Lavoisier report to the Académie on Bucquet's memoir on mephitic acid, finding that his work confirms the observations of Black, MacBride and others.
(1778-01-14): Lavoisier and Macquer report on Bucquet's memoir on decomposition of sel ammoniac by metallic substance.
(1778-01-14): Cadet and Lavoisier report on Fourcroy's memoir on precipitation of iron salts by alkalis.
(1778-01-14): Macquer and Lavoisier report on Cornette's process for making concentrated sulphuric acid.
(1778-01-14): Macquer and Lavoisier report on Dantic's paper on chemistry of glass production.
(1778-01-15): Letter of Macquer to Guyton discussing Lavoisier's attack on phlogiston. "M. Lavoisier m'effrayait depuis longtemps par une grande découverte qu'il réservait in petto et qui n'allait pas moins qu'à renverser de fond en comble toute la théori
(1778-01-22): Reply of Guyton de Morveau to Macquer. Expresses his pleasure that Macquer has taken the attack calmly: "L'assurance du chef est un point bien important."
(1778-01-31): Letter of Marat to Macquer seeking approval for his memoir.
(1778-02-01) (1778-02-09): Sulphates of iron, zinc, copper each heated with potassium nitrate.
(1778-02-14): Lavoisier promoted to "pensionnaire" of the Académie des sciences.
(1778-02-21): Baumé and Lavoisier report to the Académie on Cornette's memoir on decomposition of sal ammoniac by heating with alkalis. They postpone conclusions until they have a chance to repeat some of the experiments.
(1778-03-03): Calcination of potassium nitrate, production of oxygen.
(1778-03-07): Lavoisier and Macquer report very favorably on Bucquet's work on the effects of mephitic gases on animals and antidotes.
(1778-03-11): Cadet and Lavoisier report to the Académie on Berthollet's memoir on decomposition of nitric acid.
(1778-03-11): Bucquet and Lavoisier report on Berthollet's memoir on metallic soaps.
(1778-03-11): Macquer and Lavoisier reports on:
Berthollet's memoir on the production ammonia;
Fourcroy's second memoir on precipitation of iron salts by alkalis;
Mitouard's memoir on analysis of mineral waters.
(1778-03-26): Lavoisier acquires the estate of Fréchines, near Blois, where he perfoms the experiments on agriculture.
(1778-04-08): Second reading (revised version) of the famous memoir of Easter 1775 Sur la nature du principe qui se combine avec les métaux pendant leur calcination.
P-V, 1778, fol. 126.
(1778-04-09) (1778-05): An expedition for the Régie des poudres takes Lavoisier and Clouet into "a partie des provinces de France" (Especially Touraine and Saintonge) to examine earth samples for sources of saltpetre.
(1778-05-30): At the Académie "M. LeRoy a lu un lettre de Lavoisier pour prendre date."
P-V, 1778, fol. 170.
(1778-06-10): Lavoisier, in Bretagne, probably still on expedition for the Régie des poudres, inpects the mines in the company of the duc de Chartres
(1778-06-14) (1778-07-07): The Journal de Paris prints preliminary report on findings made by Lavoisier and Clouet on their trip. Lavoisier replies on July 7.