1775 |
(1775): List of experiments. The tenth item reads "revivication du mercure précipté per se."
(1775-01): Bayen's piece on Jean Rey appears in the Observations sur la physique (1775, vol. 5, p. 47).
(1775-01-21): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a annoncé que la grande lentille de M. Trudaine était en état et qu'ils allaient continuer les expériences."
P-V, 1775, fol. 13.
(1775-02): Bayen publishes the third part of his experiments on mercury. Mentions Lavoisier and Jean Rey. (Observations sur la physique, 1775, vol. 5, p. 147).
(1775-02): Memoir entitled "De l'élasticité et de la formation des fluides élastiques". Lavoisier's first treatise on heat and elastic fluids. Unpublished.
(1775-02-28): Experiments at Montigny on fictitious airs. Experiment to test the similarity of the inflammable vapor of alcohol and ether with the "air inflammable" produced by the action of vitriolic acid and copper.
(1775-03): Experiments on the behavoir of fixed alkali with charcoal to see if carbon facilitates the separation of fixed air.
(1775-03): Action of fuming nitric acid on sulphur; study of the gas released. "Le gaz fermentait … avec l'air commun."
(1775-03): "Air sulfureux volatil" from reaction of charcoal and vitriolic acid; no gas produced from reaction of "spath calcaire" and charcoal.
(1775-03): Lavoisier is seeking new gases in reaction where fumes are produced: nitrous air from minum; fuming liquor of Libavius; "air aceteux" from crystals of Venus and from fuming liquor of Boyle.
(1775-03-08): Priestley discovers that oxygen supports the respiration of a mouse. His observation is communicated to the Royal Society on May 25, 1775.
(1775-03-18): Draft of a Pli cacheté.
(1775-03-24): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a demandé le depôt d'un paquet cacheté contenant les expériences et observations sur la nature des différents fluides élastiques et notammant sur celui qui se dégage des métaux par la réduction. Ce qui a été acc
(1775-03-31): Experiments on mercury repeated in presence of La Rochefoucauld, Trudaine de Montigny, Macquer and Cadet. (Observations sur la physique, 1775, vol. 5, p. 429).
(1775-04): Guettard's memoir Sur une carte minéralogique détaillée de la France appear in the Observations sur la physique (1775, vol. 5, pp. 357-365). Expression of praise for Lavoisier's collaboration in the earlier phases of the work.
(1775-04): Comparison of inflammable air obtained from zinc and sulphuric acid with that from iron and acetic acid.
(1775-04): Experiment on heating chalk with charcoal and on reduction of iron oxides.
(1775-04): Experiment on sample of traprock (metamorphosed volcanic rock) brought by the duc of La Rochefoucauld; fusion with borax and salt.
(1775-04): Experiment on iron oxide (reduction?) made in Lavoisier's furnace by Guyton de Morveau.
(1775-04-02): Letter of Hatton La Ganière to Lavoisier in which he describes experiments he has begun on evaporation.
(1775-04-08): Experiments with La Rochefoucauld, Macquer, Cadet, Desmarets and Le Roy. Minium and sel ammoniac; vapor and air do not support combustion, nor precipitate limewater.
(1775-04-08): Experiments on inflammable air, burning it in fixed air and in air enclosed vessels. Notes that it burns only in proportion to the air introduced. Asks what remains when completely burned.
(1775-04-25): Letter of Guyton de Morveau, from Dijon, to Lavoisier expressing delight at having made Lavoisier's acquaintance during his stay in Paris. Sends along two small volumes he just published (Discours publiés et éloges suivi d'un plan de réform
(1775-04-26): At the rentrée publique of the Académie Lavoisier reads a Mémoire sur la nature du principe qui se combine avec le métaux. (Published in Observations sur la physique, 1775, vol. 5, pp. 429-433).
P-V, 1775, fol. 113.
(1775-04-29): Receipt from De La Gardette to Lavoisier of payment for drawings and engravings of a distillation apparatus. Further receipts on May 29 and September 29.