1788 |
(1788): The title of the Société royale is bestowed by the King upon the Société d'agriculture de Paris. The society continued to function untile the decree of August 8, 1793.
(1788): Fortin manufactures a large scale apparatus for experiments on oil.
(1788): Lavoisier drafts a report on the administration of mines.
(1788): Publication of the Mémoire sur les impositions, one of Lavoisier's papers delivered to the Assembly of the Orléanais.
(1788-01-26): At the Académie Lavoisier, Fourcroy, Monge and Berthollet requested commissioners for the translation of Kirwan's Essay on Phlogiston.
P-V, 1788, fol. 19.
(1788-02): Lavoisier returns to Orléans to take part in the work of the committee of the provincial assembly.
(1788-03-08): Meusnier de la Place presents to the Académie two perfected 'gazomètres' constructed by Mégnié for Lavoisier.
P-V, 1788, fol. 62.
(1788-03-12): The third report of the commission studying the establishment of the four new hospitals in Paris.
(1788-03-14): Lalande, Thouin, Tenon and Lavoisier report favorably to the Académie on Quesnay's scheme to establish an Academy of Science and Fine Arts in Richmond, Virginia.
(1788-03-20): Session of experiments at the Arsenal to convert Marsilio Landriani to the new theory.
(1788-03-22): Analysis of iron from Le Creusot.
(1788-04-03): Lavoisier made fellow of the Royal Society of London.
(1788-04-16): Lavoisier is named member of the board of directors of the Caisse d'escompte. Founded by Turgot in 1776 this powerful private bank had the crucial function of advancing important sums to the Royal Treasury of France as well as managing comme
(1788-04-29): Analysis of sugar. Oxidation by mercuric oxide, measurement of quantities of carbon dioxide and water produced. Calculation of the composition.
(1788-05-09): Oxidation of carbon by mercuric oxide (continued May 16). Still occupied with these experiments July 4. Object is to determin the exact composition of carbon dioxide.
(1788-05-20): Oxidation of sandarac by mercuric oxide.
(1788-05-23): Specific gravity of carbonic acid gas.
(1788-05-30): Solution of copper in nitric acid.
(1788-06): Expedition to Normandy, especially Cherbourg.
(1788-06): A manuscript report in Lavoisier's hand on analysis of samples of clove.
(1788-07-04): Publication of a French version of Kirwan's Essay on Phlogiston translated by Madame Lavoisier with refutations by Lavoisier and associates.
(1788-07-05): The Académie's commissioners report on the translation of Kirwan's Essay. "Nous sommes redevables de ce pénible travail à une personne [Madame Lavoisier] dont le zèle pour les sciences est bien connu et à laquelle elles ne sont point étrangè
(1788-07-08): Letter of the Archbishop of Tours to Lavoisier on the saltpetre commission (thanking him for removal of dangerous powder supply from the Tour de la Chateau).
(1788-07-16): Distillation of horn.
(1788-08) (1788-11): Lavoisier drafts a memorandum (destined not for publication, but for the Prémier Ministre Necker) outlining a plan for selecting representatives to the States-General (which he proposed to call Assemblée Nationale).