1779 |
(1779): Publication of L'art de fabriquer le salin et la potasse issued by the Régie de poudres and probably written by Lavoisier.
(1779): Lavoisier acquires a new kind of barometer constructed by Mégnié.
(1779-02-16) (1779-02-17): Study of reaction of nitric acid and sugar. Analysis of fractions of gas collected; neutralization of acid deposited (oxalic acid).
(1779-03-13): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier prend date pour un mémoire sur l'acide du sucre."
P-V, 1779, fol. 66.
(1779-03-24): Le Roy presents a report of the commission investigating reconstruction of the powder magazine at the Arsenal. The study had been promted by a request from Lavoisier representing the Régie de poudres.
(1779-05-15): Lemonnier, de Bory, Lavoisier and Bossut report to the Académie on a diving bell designed by Coulomb. They feel the apparatus is promising and should be submitted to pratical tests.
(1779-06-05): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a lu un Mémoire sur la vitriolisation des pyrites martiales. Le même a lu un second Mémoire sur la dissolution du mercure dans l'acide nitreux."
P-V, 1779, fol. 180.
These memoirs had been presented December 6
(1779-06-09): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a lu un Mémoire sur la dissolution du mercure dans l'acide vitriolique" and on the resolution of this acid into "acide sulfureux aériforme" and "air éminemment respirable."
P-V, 1779, fol. 182.
This memoir pre
(1779-06-19): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a commencé un Mémoire sur les propriétés de l'air et sur les caractères qui les distinguent des autres fruits [sic instead of fluids] aériformes."
P-V, 1779, fol. 201.
(1779-06-26): Laplace, Lavoisier, Brisson and Le Roy report favorably on a pneumatic machine by Fortin.
(1779-10): Lavoisier named titular Fermier Général in the place of Baudon who had died the past year.
(1779-11-17): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a lu des Considérations générales sur les acides." Presented September 5, 1777.
P-V, 1779, fol. 292.
(1779-12-11): At the Académie Lavoisier gives second reading of his Mémoire sur la combustion en général, read earlier at the rentrée publique of November 12, 1777.
P-V, 1779, fol. 306.