1787 |
(1787): Lavoisier presents a memorandum on the Comité d'agriculture. Interesting in that it contains Lavoisier's own statement that he is secretary.
(1787): Publication of Ehrmann's work on fusion at high temperatures with an oxygen-enhanced flame, closely paralleling Lavoisier's work. Lavoisier insists that his memoir on the subject be printed with Ehrmann's essay.
(1787-01-05): New experiment on the heat of formation of water. The laboratory notebook says 5 January 1786, but it is surely 1787. Prepared the 5th, the experiment is done the 13th and repeated the 16th.
(1787-01-05): Lavoisier, Berthollet and Sage report to the Académie on a new process for making paper.
(1787-02): Appearance of an anonymous pamphlet ("Réclamation d'un citoyen contre la nouvelle enceinte de Paris, élevée par les fermiers-généraux" from the pen of Dulaure) denouncing the wall which the Fermiers générales had constructed around Paris and La
(1787-02-20): Experiments on yeast; followed on May 4 by analysis by distillation. Prelude to further studies on alcoholic fermentation.
(1787-02-21): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a continué son Mémoire sur la décomposition de l'eau." This is the memoir that should have been read 15 November 1786; there is not indication in the minutes when the reading began.
P-V, 1787, fol. 42.
(1787-03-04): Letter from Lavoisier to Meusinier de la Place referring to a memoir on the famous water experiment of two years before (which Meusiner was supposed to be writing, but which never appeared). Also refers to the recent work on heat formation o
(1787-03-24): Preparation of the nomenclature with Guyton de Morveau.
(1787-03-26): experiments on the spirit of wine and nitric acid.
(1787-03-26): Attack on Ledoux, architect of the Paris wall emplyed by the Ferme Générale, in Lescure's Correspondance secrète, vol. 2, p. 123.
(1787-04-18): Public session of the Académie: Lavoisier reads his "Mémoire sur la nécessité de réformer et de perfectionner la nomenclature chimique."
P-V, 1787, fol. 141.
(1787-05-02): At the Académie: Guyton de Morveau reads his Mémoire sur la nomenclature.
(1787-06-05) (1787-06-12): Series of studies on fermentation. Analysis of fermented liquor, distillation of the alchool.
(1787-06-06): Action of sulphuric acid on sugar. Acid diluted by half; heating. Carbonization of sugar, attempt of analysis of residue.
(1787-06-13): At the Académie: reading, discussion and adoption of the report on the new nomenclature (by the chemistry section). Presentation of the table of the new nomenclature with the list of the 55 elementary substances.
P-V, 1787, fol. 207.
(1787-06-15): Lavoisier and Hassenfratz inspect the church of St. Paul, struck by lightning on June 13. Recommend installation of lightning rods and give specifications.
(1787-06-20): Second report of the commission planning the establishment of four hospitals in Paris is presented to the Académie.
(1787-06-22) (1787-07-19): Analysis of sugar by distillation. Obtains an acid which upon treatment (oxidation) with nitric acid gives oxalic acid.
(1787-06-27): At the Académie: Fourcroy reads a report on the new symbols of Hassenfratz and Adet (apparently written by Lavoisier).
P-V, 1787, fol. 245.
(1787-07-27): Combustion of ether and of alcohol in a lamp fed by vital air, under a bell jar over mercury. Measurement of quantity of fixed air produced.
(1787-07-31): At special session of the Comité d'agriculture, attended by the Controller general, Lavoisier reads a Mémoire sur le département de l'agriculture.
(1787-08-29): At the Académie "MM. De Morveau et Lavoisier ont présenté le nouveau système de la nomenclature chimique."
P-V, 1787, fol. 332.
(1787-09-06) (1787-09-14): First session of the provincial assembly of Orléans. Lavoisier represents the district of Romorantin for the Third Estate.
(1787-09-18): The last memoir to be included in the minutes of the Comité d'Agriculture was Lavoisier's Résultat de quelques expériences d'agriculture et réflexions sur leur relation avec l'économie politique. The Comité d'agriculture ceases to function,