1772 |
(1772): Lavoisier sets up a promising program on the calcination of metals
(1772-01-29): Tillet and Lavoisier report on a treatise of the abbé Rozier on "la culture des semences de chou nommé colza et de celles de navette"
(1772-02-04): Lavoisier reports on "une manière d'allumer simultanément un gran nombre des lampions"
(1772-02-04): Macquer and Malouin read a report of Guyton de Morveau "sur le phlogistique consideré comme corps grave et par rapport aux changements de pesanteur qu'il produit dans les corps auxquels il est uni." (Lavoisier present at the meeting).
(1772-02-15): Macquer concludes his reading of Guyton de Morveau's report on phlogiston. Decision to elect Guyton correspondent of the Académie, post for which he had been proposed 31 july 1771.
P-V, 1772, 47b
(1772-03): Joseph Priestley's observations and Experiments with differents kinds of air read at the Royal Society
(1772-03-07): Guyton de Morveau, aged 35, chosen correspondent of Macquer. His Digressions académiques published.
P-V, 1772, fol. 90
(1772-03-18): Letter of Lavoisier to Ribel about a "tete exostosée" in Ribel's possession. Asks that it be sent to him for showing at the Académie
(1772-03-28): Le Roy and Lavoisier report on the rape à tabac de M. Bertaux
(1772-04-08): At the meeting of Académie Lavoisier makes remarks about fulminating gold.
Fouchy's "plumitif"
(1772-04-25): The Duc de Croy sees Lavoisier, Macquer and Cadet at work on the diamond experiment in Cadet's laboratory.
Journal inédit du Duc de Croy. 1718-1784 (edited by E.H. de Grouchy and P. Cottin, Paris, 1906-7, vol. 3, p. 19
(1772-04-29): Lavoisier reads paper on diamond experiments at rentrée publique of the Académie
(1772-05): Cigna's paper on phosphorous and sulphur published in the Obsevations sur la physique (Introduction, vol.2, p. 8)
(1772-05-09): Lavoisier reads procès-verbal of experiments on diamond
Fouchy's "plumitif"
(1772-06): Lavoisier publishes in the Observations sur la physique and indignant letter on the "jeune homme prétendu hydroscope"
(1772-06-03): Macquer's presents Guyton's book to the Académie
P-V, 1772, fol. 193b
(1772-06-04): Priestley discovers nitrous air
Philosophical Transactions, 1772, p. 147
(1772-06-20): Lavoisier reports more laborately on Cadet's report and new experiments on diamond
Fouchy's "plumitif"
(1772-06-23): Letter of Magellan read by Bory
Fouchy's "plumitif"
(1772-06-27): "Mr Cadet et Brisson ont proposé de faire des expériences sur le diamant au foyer du Grand Verre ardent du Palais Royal aujourd'huy appartennant à l'Académie ce qui leur a été accordé, et MM. Macquer et Lavoisier ont été chargé d'assister à
(1772-07-14): Trudaine de Montigny sending on letter of Magellan (7 July 1772) concerning Priestley's experiments on soda-water. Wishes Lavoisier to repeat them. Sends along Priestley's brochure asking that it be translated. Trudaine tells of his new labo
(1772-07-18): Lavoisier reads a letter of Magellan on the subject of fixed air. This would seem the letter of July 7, sent to Lavoisier by Trudaine on July 14.
P-V, 1772, fol. 254b
(1772-07-22): Condorcet writes Turgot he has read Morveau's book
(1772-08): Publication of translation of Priestley on soda water.
Observations sur la physique, vol. 2, pp. 323-331
(1772-08-04): Tables of volumes of air corresponding to a certain weight of water