1793 |
(1793-09-28) (1793-09-29): Correspondence between Monge and Lavoisier concerning work of committee on weights and measures and the Comité de salut publique.
(1793-10): Lavoisier is named treasurer of the temporary commission of weights and measures.
(1793-10-02): Lavoisier is named president of the Bureau de consultation des arts et métiers.
(1793-10-28): Loysel and Frécine present to the Convention Nationale a memoir on the measures of the ancients, actually written by Lavoisier.
(1793-11-04): Fourcroy calls for the formation of a committee to proceed with "l'épuration" of the founders of the Lycée des arts. Lavoisier among those eliminated.
(1793-11-11): Execution of Bailly, first major of Paris and friend of Lavoisier.
(1793-11-24): Order issued for the arrest of the Fermiers généraux. Lavoisier goes into hiding at the residence of Lucas, a former usher at the Académie. From there he addresses petitions to the Convention and to the Comité des sureté générale.
(1793-11-28): Lavoisier turns himself in. Paulze is arrested the same day.
(1793-11-30): Letter from Cousin, vice-president of the Bureau de consultation des arts et métiers to Port Libre. Says the Board will not proceed to elect a new president until Lavoisier's term is expired.
(1793-12-09): Lavoisier writes to Fourcroy asking him to obtain permission from the Comité de sureté générale for Lavoisier to go the Museum of the Académie to open a strongbox, the combination of which he alone knows.
(1793-12-14): Lavoisier's mineralogical collection and laboratory instruments claimed by the Commission of public works for the use of the Ecole Centrale des Travaux Publiques.
(1793-12-17): Seals are placed upon Lavoisier's home in the presence of Madame Lavoisier.
(1793-12-18): On behalf of the Commission of weights and measures, Borda and Hauy send request to the Committee of Public Safety that Lavoisier be released in order to carry on his work. Thje petition is passed over without discussion.
(1793-12-19): Letter of Lavoisier to his wife from prison.
(1793-12-20): Epuration of the Commission of weights and measures. Borda, Lavoisier, Laplace, Coulomb, Brisson and Delambre are eliminated.
(1793-12-21): The Committee on assignats and coins sends a reques to the Committee on Public Health that Lavoisier be allowed to work in his laboratory.
(1793-12-24): Transfer of the Fermiers généraux to new quarters, in the Farm's offices, made into a prison.