1774 |
(1774): Compilation of Calculs des produits de différents baux de la Ferme Générale.
(1774-01): The baron Grimm reports Lavoisier translated Black's work
(1774-01-08): At the Académie: "M. Lavoisier a présenté un exemplaire imprimé de ses Opuscules physiques."
P-V, 1774, 3
(1774-01-15) (1774-01-20): Lavoisier sends copies of his Opuscules to Jacquin, Scheele, Wargentin, Bergman, Venel, D'Annone, Marggraff, de Smeth, Guyton de Morveau, Black, Priestley, Saluzzo and to the principal scientific academies
(1774-01-25): Letter of Magellan to de Bory in which he reports on the presentation of Lavoisier's book to the Royal Society and on Priestley's recent experiments.
(1774-02): By this date is familiar with work of Black, McBride, Crantz, de Smeth, Jacquin
(1774-02-05) (1774-02-15): Calcination of tin and lead in a closed vessel, no gain in weight; upon admission of air gain of weight equal to that of metal.
(1774-02-11): Letter of Magellan to Lavoisier. Compliments about the Opuscules and its favorable reception in England. Hopes Lavoisier is working on the new method of desaltin sea water.
(1774-03): Publication of Bayen's first memoir: Expériences sur quelques précipités de mercure (Observations sur la physique, 1774, 3, pp. 129-145). Notes that red calx of mercury can be converted to the metal by heat without the presence of charcoal.
(1774-03): Notes the ideas that combustion of hydrogen fixes a part of the atmospheric air. "J'étais persuadé que l'inflammation de l'air inflammable n'était autre chose qu'une fixation d'une portion d'air de l'atmosphère, une décomposition d'air et que l
(1774-03): A second anonymous attack on phlogiston published in Observations sur la physiques often attributed to Lavoisier: "Discours sur le phlogistique et sur plusieurs points de chimie." (Vol. 3, 1774, pp. 183-198).
(1774-03): Beginning experiments on the reduction of iron oxide. He refers to it in the memoir of the nature of the principle which combines with metals.
(1774-03-23) (1774-06): Preparation of nitrous ether. Study of the air released from nitrous ether. Research on nitrous air (NO); detonation of nitre, study of the gases released.
(1774-04): Publication of Bayen's second memoir (Observations sur la physique, 1774, vol. 3, pp. 280-295). Reports that the elastic fluid obtained from mercury calx in presence of charcoal was soluble in water and had prpoteries of fixed air. But also rep
(1774-04-16): Letter from Guyton de Morveau to Lavoisier, evidently in reply to Lavoisier's letter of January 19. He is flattered that Lavoisier considers him worthy adversary on the issue of gain of weight during the calcination of metals.
Sales Catalog
(1774-04-16): Maraldi writes to Lavoisier and mentions Madame Lavoisier's pregnancy. "Je fais de voeux pour la fecondité de Madame votre épouse, et pour la naissance d'un garçon, je suis persuadé que si cette naissance ne retablissoit pas la santé de Mad.
(1774-04-24): Lavoisier deposits at the Académie his summary of results showing gain in weight upon calcination of metals. Paper was read at a public session on the following November 14.
(1774-05-16): Letter of Magellan - reference to Priestley's last publication. Recommends a "M. Woulfe" of the Royal Society who will present a copy of Priestley's latest book.
(1774-06-11): Lavoisier reads a memoir in two parts on destruction of diamond by fire. Reading continues the 15, 25 and 28 June.
P-V, 1774, 171.
(1774-06-16): The Academy of Uppsala approves the printing bill for the second volume of Nova Acta Societatis scientiarum Upsaliensis, containing Bergman's memoir on affinities which describes some of Scheele's early work on oxygen. This volume which appe
(1774-07-28): Brisson, Lavoisier, Baumé and Cadet meet at Brisson's place to verify le comte de Milly's experiments on reduction of metallic calces by means of the electric fluid. On this occasion Baumé presents a sample of mercury precipitate per se whic
(1774-08-01): Priestley observes the release of a new air in vigorous calcination of precipitate per se. The observation is not published; it will not be until 1775 in the second volume of Priestley's work Experiments and Observations on different kinds o
(1774-09-03): Cadet reports to the Académie that red precipitate of mercury per se could be reduced to mercury without addition of charcoal. A commission named to verify the experiment (of which Lavoisier was a member). Report read Nov. 19, 1774. Thus Lav
(1774-09-06): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a lu l'écrit suivant pout en retenir date." The note itself does not appear in the procès-verbaux. Probably refers to the memoir on a still for desalting sea-water.
P-V, 1774, 180.
(1774-09-30): Letter of Scheele to Lavoisier, describing action of heat on silver carbonate and the air obtained.