1784 |
(1784-05-08): Lavoisier reports favorably on Froucroy's memoir on the nature of rust.
(1784-05-10) (1784-05-17): Combustion of charcoal in oxygen. Carried out under a bell jar; the charcoal is ignited by means of phosphorous and punk (amadou). The burned air is absorbed by alkali; differences in volume measured after combustion and after a
(1784-05-21): A report on the falsification of ciders by Thouret, Lavoisier and Fourcroy, who had been commissioned by the Société Royale de Médecine.
(1784-06-01): Combustion of candle and weighing of gaseous products to determine composition of wax.
(1784-06-28): Combustion of iron in dephlogisticated air. Quantity of oxygen fixed is measured.
(1784-07-21): At the Académie Lavoisier rereads the memoir of April 21 on the decomposition of water. Continued August 18 and 21.
P-V, 1784, fol. 187.
(1784-08-11): The commission on animal magnetism reports to the King.
(1784-08-16): Letter by Darcet to Volta, written in behalf of Lavoisier, in which he report of experiments with electrical pistol concerning the decomposition of water: "Je me suis rappellé for bien de cette vapeur nebuleux qui resulte de la destruction e
(1784-09-04): At the Académie, in the presence of Prince Henry de Prussia, "MM. Lavoisier et Meusnier ont lu le récit de leurs expériences sur la combustion de l'esprit de vin et sa transmutation en eau, elles ont été repétées en presence du Prince."
(1784-09-04): Report on animal magnetism read to the Académie by Bailly.
(1784-10): Lavoisier studies thermal decomposition and reactions of ammoniacal salts.
(1784-10-14): Experiment on sewage. The alleged soda made from sewage and common salt.
(1784-11): Study of potassium and ammonium nitrate. Detonation of nitre.
(1784-11-03): According to a note, Lavoisier's Considérations générales sur la dissolution des métaux dans les acides, was presented on this date. He had recorded a title Sur les dissolutions métalliques on December 20, 1783. See also January 22, 1785.
(1784-12-24) (1784-12-25): Experiments on dessication of tobacco.
(1784-12-29): Combustion of a candle in an adjustable flue. Collection of water produced.
(1784-12-30): Begins the elaborate experiment on the decomposition and recomposition of water. Weighing of rifle barrels provided with rods of iron in which the decomposition will be done.