1781 |
(1781-02-07): Montigny and Lavoisier report favorably on the Baron de Dietrich's mineralogical and geological observations on the volcano of Kamtshakta.
(1781-02-08): Lavoisier is nominated foreign member of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester
(1781-06): Experiments of Lavoisier, Laplace and Gaux on the construction of barometer with flat surface and on the expansion of mercury.
(1781-06-27): Berthollet requests commissioners to examine his treatise on chemistry. Lavoisier and Macquer are names.
(1781-08-08): At the Académie "M. Lavoisier a commencé un Mémoire sur les baromètres à surface plane et sur la dilatation du mercure." Reading completed August 11.
P-V, 1781, fol. 175.
(1781-08-08): Lavoisier and Berthollet report on the Baron de Dietrich's translation of Scheele's work on air and fire.
(1781-10-10): Study on fermentation of sugar. Liberation of gas.
(1781-11-16): Study of vaporisation of ether. The vaporisation is carried out over heated mercury; the drop in temperature of mercury is measured.
(1781-12): Lavoisier and Macquer report very favorably on Berthollet's treatise on chemistry.
(1781-12): Solution of iron in nitric acid. Collects the nitrous air, precipitates the iron; crystallisation of salpêtre.
(1781-12): Experiment on heated iron. Heats the iron alon in a retort, no results; he heats steels, obtains an inflammable air which burns a blue flame (carbon monoxide). Following this, dissolution of iron in nitric acid.
(1781-12-01): Lavoisier drafts a summary on Scheele's treatise on fire and presents it to the Académie. Lavoisier commends the experimental work but feels that Scheele's doctrine doesn't fit the facts.
P-V, 1781, fol. 229.
(1781-12-08): Attempt to calculate the heat fusion of wax by mixing melted and solid wax. Same experiment on suet.
(1781-12-22): At the Académie Lavoisier and Laplace record the description of a pyrometer for the measurement of the thermal explansion of metals with a precision of "un dixième de ligne."
P-V, 1781, fol. 254.
(1781-12-26): Resumes experiments with Laplace on heat and dilatation of metals.
1782 |
(1782): Lavoisier admitted as "associé libre" to the Société Royale de Médecine.
(1782): Lavoisier and Laplace design an instrument, the calorimeter, for the measurement of heat.
(1782): Award of the prize of saltpetre (postponed from 1778) to the Thouvenel brothers. Lavoisier, as secretary of the commission, is charged with editing for publication the collection of memoirs submitted.
(1782-02-07): Expansion of mercury. Lavoisier weighs the overflow of mercury from a flask upon expansion.
(1782-02-07): Solution of steel springs in nitric acid.
(1782-03-06): At the Académie Lavoisier and Laplace record date of a series of experiments on electrical phenomena accompanying vaporization or condensation.
(1782-03-18) (1782-03-23): A commission (including Lavoisier) from the Académie and the Société Royale de Médecine observes M. Janin's process of emptying cesslpools, which was supposed to destroy the deadly vapors.
(1782-03-26): Flame of enameller's lamp intensified by oxygen.
(1782-03-26): Lavoisier begins experiments on organic substances.
(1782-04-07): Condorcet initials a copy of the Mémoire sur un moyen d'augmenter considérablement l'action du feu et de la chaleur dans les opérations chimiques.